
Topic: Alumni

Fall 2013

The gift of life

Ravaged by renal failure and dialysis, John Medrano ’90 was worn out and resigned to death. As he neared the inevitable, he found a donor from an unlikely source — classmate Hazel Rhodes Thomas ’90.

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Fall 2013

Fall 2013: Best new books

B through Y: The Underdog’s Process of Seizing Opportunity, Control and Respect Marcus W. Johnson ’02 (M Ed ’10) Today’s fast-paced world often promotes the quick fix, but this book by Johnson, an education consultant based in Austin, highlights the importance of working through problems with determination and deliberation. This book equips readers with unique and

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Spring 2013

Spring 2013: Best new books

Nurturing the Soul of Your Family: 10 Ways to Reconnect and Find Peace in Everyday Life Renee Trudeau ’88 Austin writer Renee Trudeau ’88 follows up her book The Mother’s Guide to Self-Renewal with this new book aimed at helping busy moms slow down and tune into themselves and their families. Available at and major

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Spring 2013

Savory SaSo . . . Matthew Brennan ’96

When Matthew Brennan ’96 wanted to solve a culinary problem, the answer came from Chicago, Texas and California. At least the flavors from those cities did. Brennan, founder and CEO of SaSo, which sells sauces and marinades, says his love of cooking formed very early. “Growing up in Chicago, it is a melting pot,” Brennan

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Spring 2013

Brite success . . . Melanie Harris Johnston ’78

Melanie Harris Johnston ’78 was surprised when she was named the recipient of the prestigious 2013 Educator Award by the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD). But she shouldn’t have been. This honor is just the most recent milestone in Johnston’s lengthy journey of helping people with disabilities — in particular, autism —

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