Saving The Urban Forest
Brendan Lavy is researching how tree preservation ordinances protect a valuable natural resource.
Research + Discovery | Topics: College of Science & Engineering
September 19, 2022
To Save A Species
Woodrow Blagg’s detailed drawing captures TCU’s Rhino Initiative at work in Africa.
Total Immersion
International STEM graduate students must navigate a new land and unfamiliar ways.
Research + Discovery | Topics: College of Science & Engineering
Helping STEM Bloom
TCU leaders are mentoring scholars of color for in-demand STEM jobs.
Research + Discovery | Topics: College of Science & Engineering,Feature,Research & Discovery,Responsible Citizenship
Insights Into Introverts
Quiet workers, often overshadowed, bring balance to an office.
Features | Topics: College of Science & Engineering,Feature
The Weight of Society’s Judgment
Jeannine Gailey’s research highlights size discrimination in health care, career options and more.
Research + Discovery | Topics: College of Science & Engineering,Research & Discovery
Laura Phipps Curates Her Career
The assistant curator at the Whitney Museum of American Art uses her experience as a painter.
Alumni, Features | Topics: College of Fine Arts,College of Science & Engineering,Feature,Friend in the Business
February 24, 2022
Celebrating Black Leadership at TCU
TCU Presents hosted a conversation with trailblazing Horned Frogs James Cash ’69, Brandon Kitchin ’18 and student leaders Lau’Rent Honeycutt and Leslie Ekpe.
José Gallardo Helps his Country Through Crisis
When Covid numbers began climbing, the Panamanian’s duties switched from training ranchers to feeding a country.
Alumni | Topics: Alumni,College of Science & Engineering,Friend in the Business
How Birdsong May Help Stutterers
Brenton Cooper studies the brains of finches in hopes of improving language processing abilities in humans.
Research + Discovery | Topics: College of Science & Engineering,Research & Discovery