Books: Conversation with Jim Wright (et al.)
The former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives and colleagues from TCU Press and the department of Political Science and English discuss a new book of his speeches and essays.
Campus News: Alma Matters | Topics: Alumni
Summer 2013: Best new books
Worth Every Penny: Build a Business That Thrills Your Consumers and Still Charge What You’re Worth Erin Verbeck ’07 MBA Some small business owners opt to discount their products and services to gain new customers, but Verbeck and Sarah Petty offer an alternative approach that focuses on creating specialized offerings and over-the-top customer experiences. Available at
Campus News: Alma Matters | Topics: Alumni
Hi, TCU, from England
Corrinne “Rene” M. Powell ’63 from Cheltenham, United Kingdom, discovered her friend’s amazing license plate.
At TCU Student Memorial, a single flute
Under stormy skies in April, TCU Student Government Association dedicates campus marker honoring students who have died too young.
Campus News: Alma Matters | Topics: Campus news
Showing proper TCU ID
George Wirsdorfer ’63 (MEd ’66) brought his old student ID card to the 50-year reunion in May to the delight of classmates and the chancellor.
Alumni | Topics: Campus news
Serving abroad . . . TCU alums in Afghanistan
Two TCU ROTC alums serving with U.S. forces in Afghanistan
The artful life of Marshall Harris
He once crushed opponents on the gridiron. Now he’s stepping above his competition by earning Texas’ top-artist prize.
Power mandate . . . nuclear waste scientist Rodney Ewing ’68
Appointed by the president to lead the Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board, Rod Ewing ’68 is advising Congress on the safest, most logical way to safely dispose of spent nuclear fuel.
At home in Tuscany
In a chance encounter in Italy, Kerry ’73 and Clarence Scharbauer III ’73 met fellow Frog David Rigo ’80.
Getting Gatsby
Film-Television-Digital Media Professor Joan McGettigan explores Hollywood’s fascination with F. Scott Fitzgerald’s elusive character.
Campus News: Alma Matters | Topics: Schieffer College of Communication