
Topic: Campus news

Spring 2008

The 21st century TCU

The university charted its first official master plan in 1991, imagining what the campus of the 21st century would be like. Challenges then are similar to today: finding a front door for TCU, deciding where to put parking and enhancing the physical beauty of the campus. Seventeen years and three chancellors later, that vision — and a lot more — is taking shape.

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Spring 2008

Around campus: Spring 2008

New three-tiered meal plan Students will choose from three new all-you-can-eat meal plans – known as “Frog Pass” or “Frog Passport” – in August when the new Brown-Lupton University Union is finished. Ranging from silver, gold or platinum, the plans will cost between $1,799 to $2,099, said Craig Allen, director of Residential Services. Each plan

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