
Winter 1999

Winter 1999

Master key

With one simple algorithm, George Fassett Jr. ’97 has brought order to the world of 3-D games . . . and may one day straighten up your part of the World Wide Web, too.


Winter 1999

A school of their own

When conventional teaching runs out of textbook answers, Wedgwood Academy Director Rachel Wittich ’91 steps in, providing a successful learning environment for kids others have written off.


Winter 1999

When love is not enough

Foreign orphans have flowed into American homes over the past decade, each clutching the dreams of the adoptive family. But not everyone lives happily ever after. Sometimes, the children are simply broken.
But there is hope. In TCU’s psychology department, researchers are fast becoming national leaders in understanding how to repair these precious lives.


Winter 1999

Capturing Budapest

Twenty students participated in the summer’s latest TCU in Hungary program, eleven of them photographers. Their task? To define a city on film.
