
Summer 1998

Summer 1998

Summer 1998: Riff Ram

The Natural ending Now, this was a ballgame: The score was tied 7-7, bottom of the ninth, two outs, two strikes and the Frog’s go-to slugger, senior right fielder Chris Connally was at the plate. And Mighty Casey didn’t strike out to end the annual April Battle at the Ballpark. Instead, as Texas Coach Augie

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Summer 1998

Top frog

Chancellor-elect Michael R. Ferrari — who puts the pedal to the metal on July 1 — knows where he’s been… and he knows where he’s going, too.


Summer 1998

Earth 2

With Biosphere 2 as their personal lab, Kristi Argenbright and two other TCU students spent a semester in the Arizona desert trying to understand Mother Earth and learning how to conserve her.


Summer 1998


At least that’s what students call Germán Gutiérrez–not because he demands it, because he’s earned it. Teacher, conductor and director of TCU’s fledgling Center for the Performance of Latin American Music, he’s brought to campus his own brand of Latin salsa, spicing up TCU’s already tasty music department.
