
Spring 2001

Spring 2001

TCU tomes

The Paradise Vendor by David Alan Hall ’97 details one man’s lifelong quest to bring a little paradise to the world, while In the Way Elephants Do by David L. Kilpatrick shares recollections of a 100-year-old bull elephant.


Spring 2001

In brief: Spring 2001

TCU signs dual-degree agreement with the Universidad de las Americas, nursing workforce scholar Peter Buerhaus discusses the nursing shortage and the TCU Board of Trustees executive committee approves a new pricing structure.


Spring 2001

In the valley of the shadow

The hit Hollywood movie Proof of Life — starring Meg Ryan, Russell Crowe and David Morse — makes for great cinema: an American engineer captured by South American guerrillas. A forlorn wife. A handsome “kidnap and ransom” negotiator. A daring rescue in the heart of the guerrilla camp. But after hearing the story that inspired the movie, you may wonder why Hollywood changed the plot at all.
