In this issue: Summer 2017

For the extraordinary, just the right place
In more than a decade of commencement ceremonies, I have made it a point not to call attention to an individual student. But this past May I made not one but two exceptions.

Campus News: Alma Matters
All That Jazz
Student musicians performed alongside professionals during the 40th anniversary of the TCU Jazz Festival at Ed Landreth Auditorium.

Campus News: Alma Matters
Faculty Q&A with Honors College Dean Diane Snow
The new dean of the John V. Roach Honors College says resiliency is an important lesson for high achievers.

Campus News: Alma Matters
TCU’s Broadband Use
A look at the peaks and valleys in TCU’s broadband use.

Campus News: Alma Matters
Learning in the Art Museum
Students experience art education beyond the classroom in local museums.

Campus News: Alma Matters
Object Lesson: JFK’s Lost Letter
A library specialist discovered a letter from then-Sen. John F. Kennedy in the rare-item vault.

Campus News: Alma Matters
Faculty Reveal Favorite Movies
From The Rocky Horror Picture Show to Hidden Figures– faculty favorite films are as varied as the courses they teach.

Research + Discovery
Kristen Carr Studies Coping through Communication
A sympathetic ear can support healing after a stressful event.

Research + Discovery
Childhood Poverty Can Lead to Adult Obesity
An upbringing marred by poverty and food insecurity can stay with people as they age, even manifesting as adult obesity.

Research + Discovery
Class Travels to U.S.-Mexico Border Wall
Justice Journey illuminates Chicano culture in Texas in conjunction with the Latino/a Civil Rights Struggles course.

Sports: Riff Ram
First Person with… Raegan Pebley
In her fourth season as head coach of the women’s basketball team, Raegan Pebley emphasizes heart over hardwood.

Sports: Riff Ram
Baseball Players Choose TCU Over MLB
Behind loyal senior leadership, TCU baseball reached its fourth consecutive College World Series.

Bill McLeRoy Shares his Fundraising Philosophy
Senior Principal at The Whitestone Group shares lessons learned in his 30-plus years of service and experience.

Gearing up the Job Search
Mr. T asks in his career column, is it time to move on?

Johnny Simons: the force that lights up Hip Pocket Theatre
Backwoods bard mixes the creative and the chaotic at his theatre.

Brunner Brothers Break the Pattern with Fashion Line
Will and Robert Brunner find their own pipeline to success in golf clothing line.

Sit Down and Stay Awhile
Chairs across campus create a welcoming environment and add flair to decor.

Students Create Interior Concepts
Students gain real-world experience with library redesign.