In this issue: Spring 2021

Features, Research + Discovery
From Beyonce to George Floyd: A Q&A with Lynn Hampton
The sociologist brings race, feminism and social justice to the forefront of her classrooms.

Research + Discovery
Looking Past Test Scores for School Success
Are teachers happy? Do students like the library? Jo Beth Jimerson looks beyond numbers.

Alumni, Features
A Q&A with Bob Schieffer
A couple weeks after the 2020 election, Kris Bunton asked Bob Schieffer ’59 about journalists’ vital role in preserving democracy.

Jess Erwin Saves Bears at Grand Teton National Park
A former teacher forged a career in Wyoming educating visitors about wildlife.

Research + Discovery
Climate Change? Have Another Cup of Coffee
Omar Harvey studies novel ways to capture and store carbon dioxide.

Sports: Riff Ram
Daniela Álvarez Brings Force to Beach Volleyball Team
The 6-foot-2 sophomore plays for the national team in her native Spain. Now she calls Fort Worth home.

Research + Discovery
New Textbook Gives Global Insight Into Teaching Literacy
Robin Griffith and Jan Lacina’s writing taps other cultures to teach literacy.

Living Healthier Lives
Dr. Suzanne Bentz turned her weight struggles into a mission to help others.

From the Chancellor: The Gifts of 2020
The Covid-19 pandemic gave us a tumultuous roller coaster of a year — full of lessons, loss and seemingly insurmountable challenges. But it gave us gifts as well and helped show the world that Horned Frogs are made of grit, intelligence and resilience.

Mem’ries Sweet
TCU, Jarvis Christian Student Swap Broadened Perspectives
Students from Jarvis Christian College, a historically Black college, spent a week at TCU in 1968.

What Trees Are on TCU’s Campus?
TCU’s tree walk, which debuted in 2010, highlights 14 of the 40 species across campus. With more than 3,200 trees, TCU has been recognized as a Tree Campus USA school.

Can the Career Center Help Me?
The TCU Center for Career & Professional Development offers many services and answers to common questions about career planning.

Campus News: Alma Matters
Fashionable Masks
The Art Galleries at TCU’s fall exhibition, CREATE + PROTECT: Fashioning Safety in Times of Pandemic, called for artistic renditions of facial coverings.

Campus News: Alma Matters
Faculty Roundtable: Journalistic Inquiries
If you were a journalist, what would your beat be and why?

Web Extras
Podcast: Beyonce, Intersectionality and Lynn Hampton
What is intersectionality? How does Beyonce represent it? What is feminism?

Web Extras
The State of Journalism: A Conversation with Bob Schieffer
The journalist notes what he thinks can calm the cacophony echoing across America.