
What Trees Are on TCU’s Campus?

TCU’s tree walk, which debuted in 2010, highlights 14 of the 40 species across campus. With more than 3,200 trees, TCU has been recognized as a Tree Campus USA school.

A section of a map of TCU's campus where different types of trees are located.

What Trees Are on TCU’s Campus?

TCU’s tree walk, which debuted in 2010, highlights 14 of the 40 species across campus. With more than 3,200 trees, TCU has been recognized as a Tree Campus USA school.

American sycamore tree branch with fuzzy seeds and pointy leaves.

1. American sycamore
Platanus occidentalis

Sycamores can reach ages of 500 to 600 years. The bark shedding is distinct — it exfoliates in sheets. The tree can photosynthesize even without leaves.

Courtesy of Getty Images | kiruk
A Texas live oak tree branch with round capped seeds and oval leaves2. Texas live oak
Quercus virginiana

Live oaks thrive in the sun and have a high heat tolerance. The trees are a strong source of tannins, which can be used to cure leather hides.

Courtesy of Getty Images | Irina Lev


A possumhaw holly with oval leaves and bright red round berries3. Possumhaw holly
Ilex decidua

Possumhaw holly trees are named for the opossums that love to climb them. The Celts hung the holly in their doorways to ward off evil.

Courtesy of Rob Routledge, Sault College,


A Texas mountain laurel branch with clusters of purple flowers.4. Texas mountain laurel
Sophora secundiflora

The Texas mountain laurel’s purple flowers are known to smell like grape soda. However, its bright red seeds are poisonous.

Courtesy of Getty Images | JennyPPhoto


A desert willow branch with long narrow leaves and bright small flowers.5. Desert willow
Chilopsis linearis

The wood from desert willows was used by Native Americans to create hunting bows. Dried flowers from the tree can be used to make tea.

Photo by Trisha Spence


A cedar elm branch with leaves that have turned golden in autumn.6. Cedar elm
Ulmus crassifolia

The cedar elm is the most widespread native elm in Texas. The tree’s leaves compost and enrich soil.

Courtesy of AdobeStock Stock | trongnguyen


A chaste tree branch with a tapered bunch of tiny purple flowers.7. Chaste tree

Monks used to eat the berries from chaste trees to help keep their vows of chastity.

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A chinquapin oak branch with scalloped oval leaves and round capped seeds.8. Chinkapin oak
Quercus muehlenbergii

This type of oak tree produces acorns often eaten by deer and squirrels. Chinkapin oak is also used in construction.

Courtesy of Vojtěch Zavadil, CC BY-SA 3.0


A caddy maple branch of pointed leaves that have turned shades of orange and red in autumn.9. Caddo maple (Florida maple)
Acer barbatum (saccharum) var. Caddo

Caddo maples are planted in parks throughout the southeastern United States.

Courtesy of AdobeStockstock: Ben


A pecan tree branch with plump oval seeds/nuts.10. Pecan
Carya illinoinensis

The state tree of Texas is the pecan. Thomas Jefferson planted pecan trees and introduced them to George Washington, who also planted them and called pecans “Illinois nuts.”

Courtesy of Getty Images | Christine_Kohler


A crepe myrtle branch with clusters of small pink flowers.11. Crape myrtle
Lagerstroemia indica

Crape myrtles can produce vibrant white, pink and purple flowers. These trees were originally imported from Asia.

Courtesy of Getty Images | ablokhin


A Chinese pistache branch with small narrow pointed leaves and clusters of tiny round seeds.12. Chinese pistache
Pistacia chinensis

This species of pistache tree is closely related to poison ivy and can irritate skin. Companies in China use the oil from the seeds to produce biodiesel.

Courtesy of Getty Images | Cebolla4


A lavebark elm branch with ridged broad oval leaves. 13. Lacebark elm
Ulmus parvifolia

The lacebark elm was named for its decorative bark. This sturdy tree is often planted along parking lots.

Courtesy of Ronnie Nijboer, CC0


A yaupon branch with plump bright red berry clusters.14. Yaupon
Ilex vomitoria

The twigs of yaupon trees are often eaten by white-tailed deer. The Algonquin Native American tribe used leaves from the tree to brew tea.

Courtesy of Nhlord, CC BY-SA 4.0