
Brandon Manning: Humor, Satire and the Black Man

His book, Played Out: The Race Man in 21st Century Satire explores Black satirists creating vulnerability to highlight the inner emotional lives of Black men.

With his first book, scheduled for publication in February 2022, Brandon Manning could influence conversations on a national scale. Photo by Mark Graham

Brandon Manning: Humor, Satire and the Black Man

His book, Played Out: The Race Man in 21st Century Satire explores Black satirists creating vulnerability to highlight the inner emotional lives of Black men.

Brandon Manning is an assistant professor of Black literature and culture and a core faculty member in the Comparative Race & Ethnic Studies Department at TCU. Manning’s book, set to publish early 2022, is an examination of contemporary examples of Black masculinity. Manning talks with Trisha Spence, assistant editor for TCU Magazine, about deconstructing humor and bringing lived experiences to the classroom.

TCU Magazine · Brandon Manning: Humor, Satire and the Black Man

“Become” by Colorfilm Music, used under license from Shutterstock

Photo by Mark Graham