In this issue: Fall 2023

What’s in a Name?
TCU and its supporters help student-athletes make the most of NIL opportunities.

Turning New Pages
Book contributors reflect on the school’s turning points in ‘A Remarkable Story to Tell.’

Imagining Breakthroughs
Future doctors design solutions to health care challenges in a groundbreaking program.

Someone to Listen
TCU students counsel children and adolescents through a partnership with Fort Worth schools.

Gathering Place
After a controversial start, Frog Fountain is now the heart of Campus Commons.

Pioneering Treatment
Psychologist Saul Sells showed treatment could cut drug use.

Campus News: Alma Matters
From the Chancellor
Chancellor Victor J. Boschini, Jr., identifies what made TCU and its sesquicentennial so memorable.

Sports: Riff Ram
Ladies’ Firsts
For more than a half-century, female athletes have achieved at TCU.

Sports: Riff Ram
Flashback to Freshman Football
Wogs players spent a year preparing to become full-fledged Frogs.

Behind the Names
Two Burnett women have shaped TCU’s past, present and future.

Infographic: Frogs Up
From 1873 to 2023, TCU’s enrollment, library holdings and faculty size surged.

Faculty Roundtable
How are TCU leaders preparing people to solve the challenges of the future through connection culture, civil discourse and a liberal arts core?

Advancing the Arts
The Nordan Fine Arts Scholarship has long attracted talent to TCU.

Researching the Answers
Bettering the world drives today’s TCU students toward solutions.

A Stellar Space
Oscar Monnig’s passion for meteorites is on full display at a TCU gallery bearing his name.

Infographic: Logo Magic
The university seal has been used since 1915 for formal notices and diplomas, but TCU was 100 years old before it adopted a formal logo.

Short stories, lots of fun
Throughout its 150 years, TCU has seen its students joke, fly and love.

A Better World
Students speak out on their vision for the campus and beyond.