
TCU Magazine Podcast: Dr. Justin Smith

Dr. Justin Smith’s experience with the Advancing Healthcare Leadership program, a collaboration between TCU and Cook Children’s Health Care System, impacted him so much he wanted to teach a course.

TCU Magazine Podcast: Dr. Justin Smith

Dr. Justin Smith’s experience with the Advancing Healthcare Leadership program, a collaboration between TCU and Cook Children’s Health Care System, impacted him so much he wanted to teach a course.

The director of primary care innovation at Cook Children’s talks about how the program builds a team of physicians who are working together to create change and how it gives them the tools to do so. Read more about how the leadership program is shaping the future of medicine.

Host James Creange ’17 and the pediatrician also discuss Dr. Smith’s innovation through his podcast and blog–
The podcast “Pediatric Leadership: The New Medicine” is available on iTunes or through Checkup Newsroom’s website.
“The Doc Smitty” blog

Photo courtesy of Dr. Justin Smith
“Zoo” performed by GG Riggs, used under license from Shutterstock.