Residence halls under construction in Worth Hills
New dorms will eventually accommodate about 400 sophomores or upperclassmen, and are expected to be completed by August 2013.
Residence halls under construction in Worth Hills
New dorms will eventually accommodate about 400 sophomores or upperclassmen, and are expected to be completed by August 2013.
In November, TCU announced the construction of two new residence halls in Worth Hills to meet student demand for on-campus housing. It is the first of a multi-phase plan to create a new residential Worth Hills Village.
The halls, located southwest of the University Recreation Center, will eventually accommodate about 400 sophomores or upperclassmen, and are expected to be completed by August 2013.
“No doubt the need is there,” said Craig Allen, director of Residential Services.
The last three classes of incoming freshmen have been TCU’s largest ever and put a strain on campus housing.
In 2011-12, the university had about 150 students in non-traditional dormitory settings, or extended housing, meaning some students had to share closets or make do with less floor space, Allen said.
“It’s a number we try to keep as low as possible,” he said.
With a wait list of more than 400 for campus housing, the university also hopes to keep more juniors and seniors living in TCU residence halls. The school would like to have two-thirds of its students live on campus.
Once the Worth Hills halls are occupied, TCU will close and renovate Colby Hall, a 350-bed dormitory for women.
Future phases call for the renovation of halls used by fraternities and sororities and additional housing for non-Greek students, Allen said.
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