
After the storm

Katrina. Rita. How we were affected and what we need to do next.

After the storm

Katrina. Rita. How we were affected and what we need to do next.

TCU is 472 miles from New Orleans.

But by Aug. 30, the day after Katrina hit, the Big Easy seemed like another planet.

Or right next door, depending on your perspective.

Our greater-Horned Frog community has more than 900 alumni living at addresses ravaged by Katrina, and nearly 350 affected by Rita. More than 50 current students come from the area. Add in assorted friends and relatives, and basically everyone here knows someone from there. We all felt the after-effects to one degree or another.

Perspective is a good thing when tragedy occurs. It helps us focus on the future and make sense of the present. So we asked a few of our experts about the lessons we need to learn; and we gathered stories from your fellow Frogs.

We were encouraged by the insight, courage, sacrifice and adaptability of our community.

We hope you are too.

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