
Start the presses

Skiff staff members help students from the University of the Americas in Puebla, Mexico, start a campus newspaper.

Start the presses

Skiff staff members help students from the University of the Americas in Puebla, Mexico, start a campus newspaper.

Their own newspaper was on the minds of students from the University of the Americas in Puebla, Mexico, when they extended The TCU Daily Skiff staff an invitation to visit the UDLA campus last year. In February, editor Joaquin Herrera, reporter Katherine Garcia and advisor Eva Rumpf spent three days helping the UDLA students get La Catarina (the ladybug) started. In April, several UDLA students spent three days on the TCU campus, observing how TCU’s 98-year-old student newspaper is produced. “They are excited and dedicated to their new paper,” Rumpf said. “They only have one computer and a very small staff, and that really helped us here realize how far we’ve come.”