Matter of degrees . . . TCU expands academic offerings
TCU expands academic offerings.

Matter of degrees . . . TCU expands academic offerings
TCU expands academic offerings.
Did you know that TCU offers 131 undergraduate areas of study, 49 master’s level programs and 23 areas of doctoral study? Those numbers are rising as the university launches new programs targeting working professionals who are looking to expand their professional credentials.
Here are some new areas of study launching this summer and fall:
Master of Science in Supply Chain Management
The Neeley School of Business will offer a 30-hour, evening-only, college credit program that includes a two-week international experience. Neeley also recently announced a non-credit option for supply chain professionals.
MBA for Energy Professionals
The 48-hour TCU Energy MBA combines the integrated, managerial business perspective of a TCU MBA degree with specific practices and tools for the energy industry. It will provide in-depth knowledge of current business issues and practices unique to the energy industry, and strategies for managing the risks and opportunities in this dynamic and growing field. Courses are offered in the evenings on the campus and the curriculum includes a week-long international experience for first-hand knowledge of international energy issues and access to senior executives at global energy companies.
Certified Public Communicator
The Schieffer School of Journalism is partnering with the Texas Association of Municipal Information Officers to offer the Certified Public Communicator program this summer. The curriculum, developed by strategic communication professors Jacqueline Lambiase and Laura Bright, will offer 95 hours of leadership training and coursework designed for the complexities and challenges of communicating with citizens and stakeholders. It is designed for public information managers and professionals working for cities, counties, school districts and other public and public-private agencies.
Master of Science in Criminal Justice
The Department of Criminal Justice is launching a Master of Science in Criminal Justice and Criminology graduate degree designed for working professionals who want to boost their professional skills, but who also need the flexibility of distance learning. The program is being offered at one-third the price of TCU’s regular tuition. Johnny Nhan, assistant professor of criminal justice and director of the masters degree program, said the online program would have the same quality as any other TCU graduate degree.
Masters in Social Work
Harris College of Nursing & Health Sciences will launch a Master of Social Work (MSW) degree in August. The faculty has been planning this new degree for more than a decade. Students pursuing the MSW degree are not required to have an undergraduate degree in social work. Students admitted to the program with an undergraduate degree in another area will complete a traditional 60-hour degree that is finished in two years on a full-time basis or four years on a part-time basis. Students with an undergraduate degree in social work can complete the MSW in 30 hours with the Advanced Standing option. The program will begin this fall with the traditional 60 credit hour program and is expected to enroll 15-20 students each year. The Advanced Standing program will launch in August 2014.
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