

TCU … in the news


TCU … in the news


“It’s a job. . . . A buddy of mine got a job at an oil company; another buddy is working for Merrill Lynch. It’s life, and I’m still a human being.”

— Hollywood actor and former TCU student Chris Klein, in July’s Vogue

Hollywood seemed to come full circle TCU-wise in August as the 1975 screenplay, Rollerball, by William Harrison ’55, was reincarnated for the silver screen, with frustrated hockey player Jonathan Cross played by former TCU student Chris Klein, who spoke to Vogue in July of his transition from Horned Frog to A-list movie star: “… although he’s very happy about his career, he’s unwilling to concede that a lifestyle that includes training with the Canadian Olympic speed-skating team, traveling the world, and dating Katie Holmes sets him apart.” 

God’s pod goes kaput 

“I think it’s fairly clear that the jail probably has an obligation to provide [equal access] . . . . A jail chaplaincy is like a military chaplaincy. It should be open to people of all faiths.”

— Lawyer Lanny Priddy, Star-Telegram, June 29

Lawyer Lanny Priddy, representing inmate Michael Huff, a Jehovah’s Witness, and TCU Religion Prof. Ron Flowers. The latter joined in the lawsuit that ended in June when the Texas Supreme Court ruled that Christian inmates segregated from the general inmate population and enrolled in strict religious study in Tarrant County Jail was unconstitutional because it only represented one religious viewpoint. 

Hi, Mom!

“It’s the most easily understood sentiment. It’s something you can mouth to the camera without sound and it’s still easily read by the movement of your lips, whereas ‘Hi, Bill’ or ‘Hi, Keisha’ just isn’t going to come through. But everyone knows Mom, and what is Mom about? Unconditional acceptance. She is your biggest fan. No one loves you more than she does.”

— Anne Lucchetti, assistant professor of speech comm., Washington Post, May 13

Student bodies

“Well, it means that it’s 17 percent harder to get into TCU this year.”

— TCU Admissions Dean Ray Brown, Texas Monthly, April 2001

Brown commented on the increasing demand for, and competition in, Texas schools. TCU and Texas Tech have both received historic numbers of applications. Tech’s freshman applications are up an astonishing 32 percent in one year. TCU’s rose by 17 percent. 

Leapin’ Lizards 

“We’ve already declared Fort Worth the Horned Frog capital a long time ago, so we’ve pre-empted them.”

— State Rep. Glenn Lewis, Star-Telegram, June 25

Lewis commenting on the House resolution honoring Eastland, Texas, (pop. 5,000) as the state’s horned lizard capital. The town also boasts a Horned Lizard Society and a famed lizard named “Rip” that legend holds lived for years in the cornerstone of the courthouse there.