Healthy tips
Nutritional words of wisdom answer common questions.
Healthy tips
Nutritional words of wisdom answer common questions.
“Everything in moderation is key,” says senior nutrition major Marsha Hakim. While Hakim and senior nutrition major Mary Grinnan cover the gamut of nutritional issues for Lockheed Martin employees, following are some of the words of wisdom they share to common questions.
How can I manage my blood cholesterol?
Foods that can affect blood cholesterol come from animal sources and include eggs, cheese, poultry, meat and dairy. “These foods are higher in dietary cholesterol, saturated fats and trans fats — all of which increase risk for heart disease, hypertension and diabetes,” Hakim said. “That doesn’t mean you have to avoid these foods completely. Just eat in moderation by cutting back on portion sizes and how often you include these foods in your diet.”
I have high blood pressure. How can I lower my sodium intake?
There are a number of simple ways.
– Avoid canned or prepackaged foods — which are high in sodium — or buy the reduced-sodium versions.
– Choose fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables, which are naturally low in sodium.
– Don’t add table salt when cooking, and keep the salt shaker off the table.
– Try Mrs. DASH salt-free products for seasoning.
What should I eat after a workout?
Glycogen — or energy — stores are depleted after a strenuous workout. Based on the American Dietetic Association’s Sports Nutrition handbook, Hakim recommends that athletes consume 1.5 grams of carbohydrate per kilogram/body weight immediately following exercise of more than 90 minutes and an additional 1.5 grams of carbohydrate per kilogram/body weight two hours later. So an athlete who weighs 60 kilograms (130 pounds), for example, would eat a snack with 90 grams of carbohydrates, such as a sports or energy bar or fruit. In addition, a small amount of protein — a sandwich with lean meat or chicken, whole-wheat crackers with peanut butter — may stimulate muscle protein synthesis. “If you’re not hungry right after exercising, then you may prefer a high-carbohydrate drink immediately after exercise. High-carbohydrate drinks such as Gatorade and other sports drinks or fruit juice will also promote rehydration,” she said.
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