Stop Six: A Brief History of a Fort Worth Community
The East Fort Worth neighborhood is famous for basketball and the old Interurban Train.

Stop Six acquired its name by being the sixth stop on the Fort Worth-Dallas Interurban Train.
Stop Six: A Brief History of a Fort Worth Community
The East Fort Worth neighborhood is famous for basketball and the old Interurban Train.
The Stop Six community in East Fort Worth was the sixth stop on the Northern Texas Traction Co. interurban streetcar system that ran from Fort Worth to Dallas from 1902 to 1934. The electric-powered cars carried about 40 passengers for the 90-minute trip from the Tarrant County Courthouse to Dallas.
The first African-American settler was Amanda Davis, who purchased several acres and built a cabin there sometime after 1896. Other early settlers were the Brockman, Stalcup and Cowan families. The settlement originally was known as Cowanville after Alonzo and Sarah Cowan. It was a community of small farms and homesteads and lacked municipal services, including police protection.
Stop Six is bordered by Rosedale Street on the north, Miller Street on the west, Loop 820 on the east and Berry Street on the south, and it still retains its rural flavor. Several smaller neighborhoods are part of the Stop Six area, such as Village Creek, Bunche-Ellington, Stop Six Sunrise Edition, Ramey Place and Carver Heights.
In the 1970s, Dunbar High School basketball coach Robert “Bob” Hughes put Stop Six on the map by becoming the public school boys’ basketball coach with the most wins in the nation. Born in Bristow, Okla., he was an All-American at Texas Southern University in Houston.

Legendary educator and basketball coach Robert Hughes put Stop Six on the map. (courtesy photo)
The Boston Celtics drafted Hughes in 1955, but he did not make the team. While playing for the barnstorming Harlem Magicians, a ruptured Achilles tendon ended his competitive career. He earned a degree from Tulsa University and in 1958 came to Fort Worth for his first coaching job at I.M. Terrell High School.
In 1973, Hughes became coach at Dunbar High School, located in the Stop Six neighborhood. During his tenure, the Flying Wildcats won two state championships and finished in second place three times. With both the Terrell and Dunbar teams, Hughes made 30 consecutive trips to the state championship and had only one losing season.
When Hughes retired in 2005 after 47 seasons, he had a 1,333-264 career record in 47 seasons, making him the high school coach with the most wins in the nation. His record was surpassed in 2014 by Leta Andrews at Granbury High School, who has 1,416 career wins.
In 2002, the Fort Worth Independent School District renamed the Wilkerson-Greines Activity Center’s basketball court after Coach Hughes.
In 2006 and 2007, Fort Worth designated the Carver Heights and the Stop Six Sunrise Edition neighborhoods as historic districts.
In 2015, Fort Worth renamed the portion of Cass Street in front of Dunbar High School “Robert Hughes Street.” Now Hughes’ son, Robert Hughes Jr., is the basketball coach at Dunbar High School.
Your comments are welcome
very interesting how bob hughes had 30 consecutive trips to the championship
Did not know any of that and I’ve lived in Fort Worth my whole life. Coach Hughes could’ve played with Bill Russell on the 1955 Boston Celtics, that’s crazy!
Stop six is a historical place filled with Africa Americans. But because its Historical stop six has not been referbished. Violence and crime has also established it’s precence in stop six preventing any redevelopment of this community .
My opinion on this article is that I never knew it was named after a train stop.
Dunbar high school has gang members but its not that bad to go to
All schools have gang members these days. Dunbar graduates greats students.
The Stop Six community in East Fort Worth was the six stop on the Northern Texas Traction Co. interurban streetcar that ran from Fort Worth to Dallas from 1902 to 1934. Amanda Davis was the first African American settler who bought several acres in 1896. The Stop Six neighborhood has been very good in basketball, with Dunbar High School producing several state championships. They were coached by Robert Hughes, who was an outstanding coach.
Amanda Davis was also the first African American heiress in Tarrant County which the street Amanda in the Stop Six Area is named . Her descendants are The Howard’s who are predominately from Stop Six
Also Bob Ray Sanders.
All the factual information as shown on this historic article stands to reason inter urban to future bus lines .
I am a believer it’s a very good historical path from the past.
Alan Ward
I love Dunbar my Mother,son,granddaughter and I we are Wildcats .
Fort Worth History or story telling is slowly being loss as generations pass. Funny, I just read a comment by my brother Alan Ward who passed at the end of March … I had commented earlier also … keep our story telling and the knowledge of our collective pass alive …. pass it on.
I was born in Stop Six July 19,1951 at 2009 Birdell conner of Elgin.I attended Dunbar Elementary-Rosedale Park and Dunbar Jr and Senior High School. Alot of good people has come out of the Stop -Six area. Wildcat for ever” class of 69″
not sure what is meant by “very interesting that Robert Hughes….” Please explain the subtext Michael Diaz
I can likely help clarify if you have questions.
Coach Hughes: the best every and a health teacher. Coach Hughes had jokes that would have you laughing. Being in his class was as honor. I look back at Wildcats days — those were fun days of being a wildcat. C/O 90
Love this story. Thanks
Love this story .
I Am From Stop Six. Born And Reared There. My Childhood Was Beautiful. My Mom (Mable) My Dad(Simon) Were Great Parents. My Little Brother Alvin Was A Comedian. Always Had Us Laughing. I Miss Those Times Tremendously. We Lived In The Jean Capers Community. I Went To Rosedale Park Elementary School. Our Principle Was Ms.Maudrie Walton. I Cherish Those Times In Stop 6 . Priceless
jimmie ross Bennett my lst grade teacher was mrs.cynthia griffin
continued my lst grade teacher was mrs.cynthia griffin and she was nice. I wish their was some history about dunbar elementary school and the teachers that taught us such as mr.whitted mr.darden mrs.abram mrs.duffy mrs.jones mrs.manners mrs.vaughn mrs.chambers mrs.polk mrs.sneed mrs.singleton mrs.lily mrs.pinkston mrs.pinkard
Mrs. Sneed is still a member of Mayfield Baptist Church on Amanda. She has been in poor health for years now so dont get to see her. She was my favorite teacher.
Amanda Davis is my great great grandmother. I am super proud to be her descendant.
I was born in Fort Worth, Texas. And 1953 I move to Chicago. In 1959 Amanda Davis was my great-grandmother. And I lived on Dillard Street 2012 Dillard. My great-aunt was well-known. Her name was Johnny B Bell. Which I love so dearly. Information great information Thanks for posting Karen
Why talk in a manner in which further degradates Stop Six. I would not advertise the trials and tribulations of a community that has enough issues to deal with. Let it go. Let it grow. Everything changes with time. Let it change. It will.
Great read, learned alot. Love my StopSix, own little city in itself. Striving to make it HOME again one day at a time. AMEN
My family settled in Stop Six in 1957. Our family home is on Maceo Lane. My father taugh at Dunbar High School on Willie. My brothers and I have many fond memories and many stories about growing up in Stop Six.
I was born and raised in Stop Six. My brothers William (69) Richard (73) and myself (74). My wife (74) and my daughters (98) (02) and (08) all went to Dunbar High School. I love me some Stop Six. I be a Wildcat who be you? David Bell.
There was a mural on stalcup st of the train and Dunbar High School, it was a community project everybody came out and helped paint including me and my niece and nephew. Then all of a sudden one day I was driving by and the city covered up the mural. I was so mad and still am
My parents moved to Stop six in 1970. We lived on Cottey St. My mother graduated from Dunbar high in 61. Me and my siblings graduated from 1981 82,88,and 90. Wildcats runs through my veins. ” I’ll be a wildcat who be you”
My favorite teacher was Mrs. Inas Carroll who taught at Dunbar Elementary for years, where Mr. Barnett was principal. Those teachers, and principal Barnett were phenomenal. They taught us like they were our parents and treated us as if we were their children. I remember when books were distributed at the beginning of the school year. The lesson first taught was to honor your books, and treat them with the utmost care. They were hand-me-downs from white students from other schools, nonetheless, we were taught to cover them and to cherish them for the knowledge they held. So many good memories, but i always think of how much better Stop Six would’ve been( especially the schools) had we had the equal and comparable resources to help our community. Those teachers at all of the Stop Six schools were our mentors and our unsung heroes! I still keep in touch with Mrs. Carroll.
I curated an exhibit on streetcars at the FW Museum of Science and History and “Stop Six” was the sixth stop for only a short time. Other stops opened making it another number.
Being small I don’t remember no train going down Stalcup to Rosedale..My Mother and Father had Mecca Beauty and Barber Shop, which was across the street from the Rosedal Park Apartments…There was no 820..those who live in the CREEK had to walk across an open field to get to Rosedale Park Elementary. It’s called the Creek because there was one that was close to the Dump Yard behind Truman where we lived at 6221 Truman Dr. My Brother Don Smith is who gave the area from Ramey to Truman the name The was a long walk to Dunbar Jr/Sr High School but had to get there on time cause J. Martin Jacquet didn’t play being late or lolly gagging in the hall..Stop Six was filled with Black Businesses and prominent Black people ..Education was important as well as Values..We also had an urban legend..THE GOAT MAN..Hmm..I wonder if Skinners cooked I need to say this..Coach Huges was a beast at I.M.Terrell..Dunbar didn’t have a chance, but those were the best games..Thank God after I.M.Terrell closed he came to Dunbar he could have went anywhere.RIH. My name is Cheryl Smith and I am an OCG..ORIGINAL CREEK GIRL
Mrs. Cheryl,
The Goat Man?!!! I still remember that story! LOL…
I grew up living in the creek, Ava Court. I cried when we moved. We walked to Sunrise Elementary instead of A. M. Pate. And even though we were supposed to go to OD Wyatt, we kept going to Dunbar. We soon moved back to the area. I remember going to the music festival at the Lake. I remember going to Lake Arlington to fish. It was so wholesome living in Stop Six. My oldest son later when to the Dunbar Magnet School. Wildcats forever. Jo Ann (McLane) Green Class of “72
My name is Carol Wilson and my grandfather was Tom Stallcup who lived on Stallcup Rd. I would like to get in touch with someone from the historical society. I have some papers that might be of some interest to the society. My email address is
Born in Fort Worth at John Peter Smith hospital in 1953. Raised in Stop Six, first on Ramey Street then on So.Cravens Rd. My dad was school teacher at Riverside Elementary now Vera Williams Elementary. I attended Paul Lawrence Dunbar middle school then the new high school built in 1965, integrated by moving white teachers into our school. We moved from Stop Six in 1969 to Bakersfield CA where my dad got a new teachers job that paid more. Fond memories of Stop Six from Amanda Street Church of Christ to Berry St Church of Christ under Rev Shelton Gibbs. Many fond memories…..formative years. My mom was office manager of Dr. Brooks office on Evans Ave/Street. It was the only black physician group practice in Fort Worth. Needless to say it inspired me to become a doctor now in New England. I truly miss those days. R.McCullough…
Lived in Stop Six Freeman family on Maceo Lane! My sisters & brother went to Rosedale Park & Paul Lawrence Dunbar Junior Senior High School! Everyone knew everyone We were all family! Hardly any crime in 50’s 60’s 70’s! Felt safe & loved living there! Moved to Michigan but never lived in a place like Fort Worth-never will again!!!
Born and raise in the greatest neighborhood “Carver Heights”, the creek.
I love the article and even learning and confirming more through the comments
I remember the community of folks we grew up with. We were nestled between 2 great families and surrounded by many others. We were protective of one another.
I loved this community! Thanks big sis Cheryl Smith & family, The Smiley family The Yates family, The Edwards family , etc
so many family units on these manicured lawns and shaded streets. So many great memories. So grateful to have experienced life here.
Vonda K Boone
OG David Johnson aka Truman st and stop six projects. I was born and raised in stop six. Wearing red was the color of our culture. It’s full of legends and creative black people who made a way to take care of their families. I grew up in the middle of stop six on Elgin St. attended M.I. Elementary. Dunbar 6 grade center and of course Dunbar HS class of 2002. There has been a lot of new constructions and adjustments done to the community. Stop 6 projects were demolished about a few years ago. Education has always been important values to the community as well as becoming a graduate from Dunbar School system.
Growing up in Stop 6 area in the 70’s was so Great. I attended Rosedale Park Elementary (now Maude Walton Elementary) named after the principal. Being black was the most proudest time. I do know that Carver Heights area was the first area blacks settled first. There were no white people that had lived in this area prior. I still live in area and proud of it. I’m excited about the reconstruction of Rosedale St area from Amanda to Stalcup.
Cheryl Smith l remembered hearing the legend “the Goat man” and the rumors about SkinnerBBQ cooking it..l’m from “the creek” so we ate at Skinner up until the rumors.Theres a lot of good memories, Bunch park on Sundays. I’m glad they reconstructed and bought the park back, well needed
Loved “Growing up in Stop 6 area in the 70’s was so Great. I attended Rosedale Park Elementary (now Maude Walton Elementary) named after the principal. Being black was the most proudest time. I do know that Carver Heights area was the first area blacks settled first. There were no white people that had lived in this area prior. I still live in area and proud of it. I’m excited about the reconstruction of Rosedale St area from Amanda to Stalcu” Excellent comment. Cheers. Thanks for sharing. Cindy
My Great Great Uncle LEE GANT who lived on Handley Drive at Routt St was employed by the Interurban Railroad, and my mother Bonny Wallace applied for received a historical marker for the Interurban in the late 1970s but sadly I cannot seem to locate the marker which I believe is on hey 303 south of the railroad tracks and east of Loop 820.
My mother (Toy) is also a relative of Amanda Davis, her father was Rev. Henry W. Howard brother to Rev. Frank Howard and Aunt Senola Howard.
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