Erin Dianis: How It Started … How It’s Going
The Fulbright award winner has found inspiration in teaching overseas.
Erin Dianis: How It Started … How It’s Going
The Fulbright award winner has found inspiration in teaching overseas.
As a TCU student Erin Dianis ’18 (MEd ’19) traveled to the Netherlands to teach through a College of Education program. She fell in love with the country she describes as lively and beautiful. “I learned Dutch,” she said. “I had always wanted to live abroad.”
In March 2020, during her first year as a special education teacher in a North Texas elementary school, Dianis won a Fulbright Assistant Teaching award to return to the Netherlands. But when the world shut down, so did the opportunity.
Dianis took a special education job at a North Texas high school, where she taught for three years. When her principal left, Dianis applied to teach abroad. In summer 2023, she moved to Finland to work as a learning support teacher for ninth-grade students at International School of Helsinki. The country shares some similarities with The Netherlands. “In both countries, children are given autonomy and independence from a very young age,” Dianis said. “Both countries are very environmentally conscious and have a high tolerance for people with different beliefs or lifestyles.”
At the private English-speaking school, which serves embassy families and others, Dianis is case manager for 15-20 students with special needs. She also teaches classes in math and study skills, helps students in their history and English classes and serves as assistant coach for the badminton club.
Someday she hopes to lead a team of special-education teachers. For now, Dianis is learning Finnish and exploring Helsinki with her dog, who motivates Dianis to get outdoors even on the coldest days.
“I definitely want to stay teaching in the international sector for a while,” Dianis said, “before one day coming back to Texas.”
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