Winter 1998
Staying after
We ask the questions around here. And Faculty Senate Chair Sherrie Reynolds gives us answers.
Winter 1998
We ask the questions around here. And Faculty Senate Chair Sherrie Reynolds gives us answers.
Fall 1998
Dennis Franchione could use a hand, inheriting a program that went bust under Pat Sullivan. Sportswriter Dan Jenkins ’53 — armed with a cup of joe and a mindful of memories — recalls how great the Frogs used to be. And could be again.
Fall 1998
The recent Indian and Pakistani Nuclear tests were sober reminders that amid the euphoria surrounding the end of the Cold War, we still live in the shadow of awesome weapons of mass destruction. We have the capacity to destroy the entire human civilization. Indeed, after the Indian and Pakistani respective nuclear tests in May, the scientific community moved the doomsday clock to 11:51, twelve being the ground zero hour. If there is a silver lining in recent nuclear tests by India and Pakistan, it is bringing the issue of nuclear proliferation to the center stage of public debate and discourse once again.
Fall 1998
The SWC died. The WAC split. Now, some say a leaner, meaner Division I-A could form as early as 2000 — possibly leaving the Purple on the sidelines. Uh, TCU begs to differ.
Summer 1998
Chancellor-elect Michael R. Ferrari — who puts the pedal to the metal on July 1 — knows where he’s been… and he knows where he’s going, too.
Summer 1998
I will impart this Art by precept, by lecture and by every mode of teaching. . . according to The Law of Medicine. –Hippocratic Oath
Spring 1998
A quarter century since the enactment of Title IX, the civil rights legislation calling for equal athletic opportunities for men and women student athletes, it is clear that Lady Frogs have come a long way — but the finish line is still a ways off.
Spring 1998
Claude Ware ’46 (MBA ’48), a 78-year-old Buddhist monk, found a circuitous path to enlightenment serving as the administrative assistant for the Secretary General of the Vietnamese American Buddhist Congress.
Spring 1998
New York fashion model and consultant Catherine Lippincott ’85 is championing the cause of 47 million “plus-size” women in America.
Spring 1998
Photographer Kathryn Kuzmich ’93 spent three months in her ancestral homeland to reconnect broken family ties.